Nachrichten unserer Schulen und Berater

A Wish Tree at LIS

A Wish Tree at LIS

We are aware of the unique opportunity we have as members of the LIS community and we enthusiastically embrace our responsibility to make a positive impact on ourselves, on others and on the world. We Lions are proud! True to this motto, our Head of School, Ms Brandie Smith, had the honour of passing on the gifts collected by our families to the children of Rosenweg School this morning. Each class received a trolley full of presents, which the children were then allowed to unwrap in the classroom. The gifts were pre-sorted so that everyone got exactly what was best for their class and age.

A big thank you to our school and kindergarten parents and the entire LIS community for their generosity in collecting so many wonderful gifts for the disadvantaged children again this year. In addition, 600.00 EUR of donations were transferred so that the school came a little closer to its dream of buying a wheelchair swing.

The gifts for the women's shelter were already collected last week. The management of the women's shelter also expressed their gratitude and were very happy about the presents. Thank you all very much!

Leipzig International School

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